Probably not. Residents typically want to rebuild what they had before -- even if replicating the existing land use pattern creates significant wildfire risk.
The latest legal news in short bursts: Coastal Commission can't allow seawalls on projects built after 1976, ED1 revisions don't apply prospectively, and La Cañada Flintridge housing element appeal is moot.
The 2023 law makes it easier for religious institutions and some colleges to build affordable housing. Some local jurisdictions are easing the path as well.
Yes, the rooftop deck near the University of Southern California doesn't create a significant impact under CEQA, as per the People's Park case. But the City of Los Angeles still must find that the project conforms with an old redevelopment plan.
Appellate court rejects CEQA challenges to L.A.'s Westside Mobility Plan, also concluding that the planning commission can certify the EIR even though the city council must approve some aspects of the project.
Limited-growth group's lawsuit against Expo Line Plan tossed out for being filed too early. But appellate court also said Expo Line Plan doesn't violate the Los Angeles General Plan's policy encouraging adequate infrastructure.